Because I don't know how to say it in Polish. But I do know (phonetically) billyette shainyova proshe. That means "a 3 day ticket please" on the Warsaw transportation system. So Friday morning we got up in our hostel and took the train to Ipswich where Robert picked us up and took us over by his small boat and then to his house. Since I've covered Robert and Dorothy in Paris last March and their beautiful home in Woolpit last September and October, I won't re-post those stories. But we had a wonderful, if short, visit with our friends at a very tough time in their lives. Their daughter Vanessa went into the hospital 2 weeks ago for a normal delivery, but the baby died. I can't imagine how tough that is on them. I will keep them in my prayers.
We had lunch at their home, dinner at The Bull, then Dorothy made us an English breakfast. Photo.
Saturday morning was tough for me. My trip with Rollin has ended. He and I went to the airport [photo] and each headed out to our respective gates [photo] . He is off to Dublin (where for Saturday night then Sunday he will be alone.
I arrived at 4p in Warsaw and went with son Trevor to his apt and soon his wife Elle joined us. The Canton kids want more pics, so here are a couple. The first is of me on the 25 mi bus ride from the airport to Warsaw and the second is of Trevor and me on the Warsaw subway.
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